Built + Beyond
It’s a podcast. It’s a think-tank. It’s about architecture, design, engineering, construction, energy, environment, resiliency…you get the drift. We have guests. We have insight. We talk about technical stuff, real stuff, future stuff, data stuff, digital stuff. (And getting all the sweet keywords into our intro description). We chat about the built and natural environment. We agree, we agree to disagree, we share trends and knowledge and cool tools. We invite you to listen.
Built + Beyond
Using Drones for Asset Inspections and Data Collection
The City of Houston has embarked on an aerial mission to capture the conditions of some assets in hard-to-reach places. From catch basins that are inaccessible by foot to miles of elevated pipelines, drones are doing the hard work. Join Jeremy Price, DTS GIS analyst, and Ricky Flakes, Aerial Ambiance drone operator, who piloted this innovative approach to data collection.