Built + Beyond
It’s a podcast. It’s a think-tank. It’s about architecture, design, engineering, construction, energy, environment, resiliency…you get the drift. We have guests. We have insight. We talk about technical stuff, real stuff, future stuff, data stuff, digital stuff. (And getting all the sweet keywords into our intro description). We chat about the built and natural environment. We agree, we agree to disagree, we share trends and knowledge and cool tools. We invite you to listen.
Built + Beyond
Beneficial Use of Dredging Material
The Army corps of engineers recently estimated that, historically, roughly 30 percent of dredge volume in the US has been beneficially reused.
Reuse encompasses a wide range of applications including construction materials, beach nourishment, enhancing flood protection, and creating habitats; but it isn’t a common practice.
In this episode we’ll talk about the barriers to reuse – technical, economic, institutional, and regulatory.
We’ll also discuss how the narrative around dredging has shifted in the last decade or so. It’s no longer about just disposal, it’s about how dredge material is adding value to the ecosystem, keeping channels open so that ships can access ports and providing economic and social benefit.
It all comes down to managing dredge material in a cost effective, environmentally friendly, and sustainable manner. Encouraging the beneficial use of dredge material is critical. Plus, it’s just good environmental stewardship.
Joining this discussion:
Christin Perkinson, Coastal Practice Director, AtkinsRealis
Justin Bartusek, Coastal Senior Engineer, AtkinsRealis
Jeff Wright, VP, Water Practice Director, AtkinsRealis