Built + Beyond
It’s a podcast. It’s a think-tank. It’s about architecture, design, engineering, construction, energy, environment, resiliency…you get the drift. We have guests. We have insight. We talk about technical stuff, real stuff, future stuff, data stuff, digital stuff. (And getting all the sweet keywords into our intro description). We chat about the built and natural environment. We agree, we agree to disagree, we share trends and knowledge and cool tools. We invite you to listen.
Built + Beyond
Water Biosolids Paradigm Shift
Today’s episode is all about biosolids, including gaining insight into global trends and discussing some of the key challenges and opportunities faced by the sector and recognizing that there’s a paradigm shift happening.
Biosolids production continues to grow due to many factors—population growth, increased connectivity to our sewers, increased environmental production level and improved standards of living. It’s a critical part of the wastewater process.
We’ll chat about how managing bioresources in an efficient and effective manner presents an immense opportunity to reduce the carbon impact of the wastewater industry and in the water sector as a whole. We’ll also talk about the benefit of diversifying strategies.
Joining the discussion:
- Rick Lancaster, Global Bioresources Director
- Tyler Hewitt, US Water Market Lead
- Jeff Wright, VP, Water Practice Director