Built + Beyond
It’s a podcast. It’s a think-tank. It’s about architecture, design, engineering, construction, energy, environment, resiliency…you get the drift. We have guests. We have insight. We talk about technical stuff, real stuff, future stuff, data stuff, digital stuff. (And getting all the sweet keywords into our intro description). We chat about the built and natural environment. We agree, we agree to disagree, we share trends and knowledge and cool tools. We invite you to listen.
Built + Beyond
Water Asset Management
Why water asset management? Good question. Join us as we talk about the challenges facing water utilities—climate change, financial and commercial pressures, depleting availability of the workforce—and how asset management can help.
Utilities are facing continuing pressure to do more with less. To achieve that, they need greater control and visibility of their assets—how they're performing and how they're deteriorating.
Asset management provides a framework to help you get a good understanding of where your assets are in terms of their lives and their performance. An asset management risk-based approach means thinking about your assets and continuously prioritizing them.
We’ll also chat about intergenerational equity, passing on value and equity in your asset portfolio from one generation to another.
Through this discussion, we’ve realized that water asset management is a journey. We’ll discuss Organizational Change Management (OCN) or change transformation and how it’s a big part of that journey. As Peter Drucker says, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Joining this discussion:
- Shiv Iyer, Technical Director, Asset Management, Atkins
- Bill Irvine, Technical Director, Water Infrastructure, Atkins
- Jeff Wright, VP, Water Practice Director, Atkins