Built + Beyond
It’s a podcast. It’s a think-tank. It’s about architecture, design, engineering, construction, energy, environment, resiliency…you get the drift. We have guests. We have insight. We talk about technical stuff, real stuff, future stuff, data stuff, digital stuff. (And getting all the sweet keywords into our intro description). We chat about the built and natural environment. We agree, we agree to disagree, we share trends and knowledge and cool tools. We invite you to listen.
Built + Beyond
Coastal Resilience: Tools & Technologies
As more of the population migrates to coastal areas, the need to improve aging infrastructure and make communities more resilient grows with it. Join us as we talk about the challenges that coastal communities are facing from climate change. From tidal flooding to pounding waves and rapid beach erosion, the risk to communities is growing and the impacts must be understood from both a physical and economic perspective. We’ll discuss the application of coastal digital tools , like our City Simulator, and numerical models that will help improve resiliency and provide more certainty for local stakeholders.
Joining this discussion:
Steve Bourne, Project Director, Atkins
Mike Salisbury, Hydrodynamics Team Leader, Coastal Engineering, Atkins
Jeff Wright, VP, Water Practice Director, Atkins